Ways To Make Episode II Better Than Episode I

Near the beginning of the movie, Jar Jar Binks finds a light saber and accidently activates the weapon whilst he holds it pointed at himself.

Near the beginning of the movie, Jar Jar Binks is tortured and killed by the new empire for apparently no reason.

Near the beginning of the movie, Jar Jar Binks is eaten by Jabba the Hutt.

Near the beginning of the movie, an asteroid destroys the home planet of Jar Jar Binks, destroying him and the Naboo. Luckily, Padme survives.

Jar Jar Binks has become a slave on tattoine. He decides to escape, but forgets that he has an anti-escape device implaneted in his body. His owner sets it off, and he explodes, near the beginning of the movie.

Jar Jar Binks becomes a jedi but joins the dark side of the force. Yoda dispatches him quickly at the beginning of the movie.

Jar Jar Binks eats what he thinks is a yummy tasty fruit, but what is really a reactive core from a blaster. His death is slow and painful.

Jar Jar Binks is eaten by a tribe of Ewoks near the beginning of the movie.

Episode II makes no reference at all to Jar Jar Binks or any of his species.

Near the beginning of the movie, Jar Jar Binks irritates Anakin so much, Anakin destroys him and vows to destroy his entire species. this causes Anakin to slip further into the dark side.

Jar Jar Binks enters an airlock--without putting a spacesuit on first. (near the beginning of the movie)

Jar Jar Binks is killed by Boba Fett, who then collects the 2,000,000,000 credits from Padme Naberrie.

While visiting Couruscant, Jar Jar Binks is "accidentally" pushed down a 900-foot airshaft by Chancellor Palpatine.

Jar Jar Binks is captured by a clone of Darth Maul and suffers great tortures at the hand of Darth Sidious. (a.k.a-Palpatine)

Jar Jar Binks is sucked into a black hole while trying to pilot through the Kessel Run.